Category Archives: Uncategorized

Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane Preparation and Evacuation Preperation Once forecasters issue a hurricane watch, it’s time to start preparations. Emergency Contact Numbers This is a list of phone numbers you may need in an emergency. Print this page and save it in a place where it will […] Shelter – Real-time emergency information Public Shelter Information Shelters…MORE

Shelters – Real-time emergency information Public Shelter Information Shelters are operated by trained individuals and ensure that the safety, security, and basic needs of its residents are met. A. What to bring to a shelter Change of clothing, blanket and pillow for each family member Your disaster supply kit, including food, medications, comfort items and special…MORE


PREPARATION Once forecasters issue a hurricane watch, it’s time to start preparations. You should take these early steps regardless of whether you expect to evacuate. A watch means there is the threat of a hurricane within 36 hours, so you need to begin getting ready. Remember, high winds and rain will arrive hours before the…MORE

Emergency Contact Numbers

This is a list of phone numbers you may need in an emergency. Print this page and save it in a place where it will be easy to find. Click here to download a printable list of emergency phone numbers 511 Road Closures *577 Louisiana State Police (*577 ) emergencies only 211 Shelter Information Entergy: Emergencies…MORE

Essence Festival 2015

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